About Us

Bear Heart by Biyååls Nawanåå

My vision for Bear Heart is to create a versatile, sacred space that you immediately feel when you come through the doors. Most of my life has been dedicated to community building and aid. In these ever changing times, I hold old teachings and merge them with the new to the best of my ability. When I designed the space, I wanted it to sum up the powerful effects that colour, light and frequency produce in our bodies. This has become my field of study. I wanted to create a regenerative pod of high tech frequency and light-based modalities that would all pair together holistically, for a wide range of applications regarding one’s health and wellness. Being an artist as well, it was important to have an inspiring place where others and I could create unique items to sell. Bear Heart gives the opportunity for artists to display and sell their works of art. This is truly a place of warmth, compassion, rejuvenation, creativity and opportunity.


“The future of medicine is the medicine of frequencies.”

— Albert Einstein